• 23 Oct 2022

Let's talk about cybersecurity in business

Cybersecurity comprises the processes and strategies that businesses implement to protect critical systems and sensitive information from cyber threats. In fact, it must be considered that AI is not only moving fast and steadily toward innovative tools to safeguard businesses' data, but cybercriminals are also using it for malicious intentions, exposing many companies to disastrous consequences. 


Cybersecurity is not effortless, as a business must be protected from all kinds of cybercrime with a strong strategy consisting of different layers of protection. They include attacks designed to gain access to, alter, or destroy data, extort money from your employees or business, or disrupt your business's day-to-day operations. Some aspects that should be considered are infrastructure network, application, information, cloud, employee security, and disaster recovery or business continuity.


Small businesses are easy targets for cybercriminals, as they generally have less capital to invest in matters such as cybersecurity. However, it is fundamental to point out how, these days, cyber threats can provide access to client lists, customer credit card information, a company's banking details, pricing structure, product designs, expansion plans, and manufacturing processes. If any of these scenarios happen, it could be the end of a small business. That is because they can lead to financial losses from theft of banking information or/and disruption of business, high costs to clear networks from threats, and also damage to a firm reputation after telling customers their information was compromised. Thus, cybersecurity actions should be on the priority list, and investments should be made to ensure all aspects of a company are protected from possible cyber threats. 


Regardless of your company size, ensure your employees are well-trained regarding cybersecurity risks. Also, let them know you have strategies to protect your systems and processes, as many cyber-attacks often come from insiders. Perform risk assessments regularly to know where your data is stored and who has access to it, so it is easier to find the best solution to protect your valuable information. Finally, update your software, back up your files, and deploy reliable antivirus software. 

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