• 23 Oct 2022

Does a routine positively or negatively impact your life?

A structured routine is often associated with better overall health, leading to the idea that having steady, solid habits is more beneficial than not having any. Is this entirely true? 


Researchers demonstrated that it could help improve productivity, stay organized, and be beneficial for families, as it is linked to good parenting competence and marital satisfaction. In addition, creating and maintaining a routine during particularly unsteady times can lower stress levels, form good daily habits, help better care for mental and physical health, and enhance focus. 

Exercising regularly, getting enough rest, having healthy meals, setting realistic goals, growing a positive mindset, developing an encouraging environment, and taking time to nurture hobbies and passions are all steps that can be taken to create an effective routine. 


However, routines are not necessarily meant for everyone and should not be followed obsessively. Some people prefer to approach their daily life spontaneously, without planning much; the idea of a routine is quite stressful and limiting for someone. Instead, those who are comfortable with a structured life might fall into the trap of compulsive habits and stop enjoying spontaneous plans. Furthermore, following routines religiously might hinder their ability to connect with their emotions, as everything becomes more systematic and mechanical. For instance, obsessively following a to-do list can prevent individuals from appreciating a sudden plan with a loved one. Another danger is boredom, as repeating methodically the same tasks can become monotonous and take away the positive effects of a routine. 


To conclude, a routine can positively affect one's daily life, but that does not mean everyone must adopt it or never be broken. In fact, building steady habits might not work for certain people and their lifestyles, and they lower energies and make one's feel unmotivated if they are not changed and made more fun from time to time. 

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