• 08 Sep 2022

To leave or not to leave? Three signs it might be time to change your job

Work is a substantial part of our lives. The average person spends about 8.5 hours working each weekday for about 33 to 38 years. Even if numbers have reduced compared to previous generations, it is still a lot of time and energy to invest! Moreover, working habits have also changed. For example, our grandparents tended to remain loyal to the same workplace for their entire career, while nowadays, it is common for a person to change their position more frequently. Therefore, finding the ideal job is essential for the individual's satisfaction and well-being. 

So, how to understand if your job is a good fit, or is it time to look elsewhere? People might feel the urge to shift their careers for different reasons, some of which we will explore below: 


1. Time passes slowly 

If you are constantly checking the time, and it feels like the hands of the clock remain stationary at the same point when you are at work, probably something is wrong. We are not referring to some occasions when working feels harder than others; that is normal. Instead, we are talking about a scenario where those feelings occur daily. That happens when the motivation runs at its lowest point, and you don't feel you are contributing to your environment while not receiving much in return. It signifies that you should reconsider your situation, which doesn't mean signing your resignation letter immediately. Think about the reasons behind your feelings, and talk to HR and other significant people in your life about it before giving up. Take the time to review the pros and cons of leaving your current position, and start researching different options to see what is out there. You won't find the answers overnight, but it is time for you to take action! 


2. No room for growth

There are circumstances in which a person loves their workplace. They appreciate the people involved and the values of the organization. However, the individual might be ambitious and eager to explore the following steps of their career, but there is no option to do so in their current company. Therefore, confusion arises. One side is ready to leave and find a job that enables a sense of growth, and the other wishes to remain in the same familiar environment. Again, it is a matter of understanding the pro and cons of each possible scenario. Of course, one has to be sure that changing jobs will further their skills more than the current position allows. In addition, it would be ideal to have a clear vision of the future. What are you trying to achieve? Where do you see yourself in the following 5/10 years? If there is a solid long-term plan, it might be the time to shift career. If it is just a momentary feeling not supported by defined goals, then it might be an option to remain where one is! 


3. Urge to explore new options 

Perhaps one doesn't wish to remain in the same sector but desires to explore a completely new field. If that is your case, you might have some time to make an informed decision because you might need to develop certain skills before transitioning. Therefore, you might be able to invest in a course or workshop that enables you to acquire the abilities necessary for the new job. During that time, you can understand if you are actually ready to make such a bold move or if you feel better in your comfort zone (which is not always a sign of a stand-off or regression!). As we have already suggested, do not jump from one choice to another. Prepare for a time of research and reflection. Your job is such an important part of your life; you want to make the most serene decision possible! 


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